Friday, May 20, 2011

Sonnets from the Portuguese... ~E.B.Browning


Have been reading Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barret Browning -my idol poet- lately, and have been loving the phrasing of her sonnets. She has a beautiful way with expression, and I have fell in love with a certian few of her sonnets... "How do I Love thee?" will always rank first in my heart among her poems, but these two are especially lovely, and I had to share them with you all...

Sonnet XXX

"I see thine image through my tears to-night
And yet today I saw thee smiling. How
Refer the cause?-Beloved, is it thou
Or I, who makes me sad? The acolyte
Amid the chanted joy and thankful rite
May so fall flat, with pale insensate brow,
On the altar stair. I hear thy voice and vow,
Perplexed, uncertian, since thou art out of sight,
As he, in his swooning ears, the choir's Amen.
Beloved,dost thou love? or did I see all
The glory as I dreamed, and fainted when
Too vehement light dilated my ideal,
For my soul's eyes? Will that light come again,
As now these tears come- falling hot and real?"

Sonnet XXXI

"Thou comest! all is said without a word.
I sit beneath thy looks, as children do
In the noon-sun, with souls that tremble through
Their happy eyelids from an unaverred
Yet prodigal inward joy. Behold, I erred
In that last doubt! and yet I cannot rue
The sin most, but the occasion-that we two
Should for a moment stand unministered
By a mutual presence. Ah, keep near and close,
Thou dovelike help! and, when my fears should rise,
With thy broad heart serenly interpose:
Brood down with thy divine sufficiencies
These thoughts which tremble when bereft of those,
Like callow birds left desert to the skies."

Have a lovely day.
Tawney Rae

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Paper Airplane", Alison Krauss music video...

Alison Krauss is one of my favorite artists. She has an absolutely hauntingly gorgeous voice, and this song is beautiful. This has been a favorite of mine lately, and I thought I would share it with all of you for your enjoyment! I hope it adds a sweet touch to your day, and you find some special meaning in the words of this lovely song...

"...Love is hard to measure hidden in the rain..." ah, lovely lyrics!

Hope you have a beautiful, poetic day!

Au revoir!
Tawney Rae

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The beginning of "A True Poem"...

Hello reader,

This is my second blog. I run a blog called "A Generation's Battle Cry" as well; but because I want to keep it themed I decided to start a sort of personal blog with my own thoughts on it. I will be posting my poetry, or that of favorite poets, pictures, and daily thoughts here. I hope you enjoy as this blog takes shape!

Tawney Rae