Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I believe in Love...

As I read in my devotional today, I was thinking of what was written for the day, and ended up scribbling something about it onto a piece of paper because of it,... I thought I would share it with you all.

"These circumstances, situations, etc. do not make your calling of no effect. The promises God has given are still true, no matter what may scream otherwise-- for God is ever true, from everlasting to everlasting. Rather, they define the power that God will display in the valley, as He works past these things to His ultimate goal for you, and the glory that awaits for the one who stays faithful until the Mount. The greater the trial, the more room for possible Heartache, destrucion, and desolation, the greater the cause for praise; for God in this will then show Himself yet mightier then before in your life."

Don't doubt Him! If He has called you to something, He will see you through to fulfill that call. If He has promised something, He will fulfill that promise within His time, whether or not you FEEL that could ever be fulfilled if things "go wrong" with your situation in life. Don't let these things make you doubt. Just believe. Know that the darkness of this trial is so God's glory may be revealed in a fuller, deeper way for you than before. Trust what He has said to be true.
Along those lines,...

There's a story I heard about a man that was held in a concentration camp in Germany during the war. When the war was over, people went into the cells where the men were kept, and they found a quote written by him into the wall. It simply said this,

"I believe in the sun even when it's not shining;
I believe in Love even when I don't feel it;
And I believe in God even when He is silent."

That was all they knew about him... only what Truth he left on the wall. And to be honest, that quote really moved me, because so often when I go through a trial that is the last thing I'm thinking about writing onto my wall,... and I'm not being silly when I say that. Seriously. And instead of letting those dark walls overcome him, he turned to those dark walls that were meant to hold him in, and wrote who our God is, and will always be, whether or not he felt it. If you are in a valley, and you are wondering whether or not you are going to ever make it out,... you wonder if the sun is still shining,... I want you to know that God is saying, the sun is still shining. God is still with you, He still Loves you no matter what you've done, or what's been done to you; God is not done with you. He hasn't abandoned you, rather He is searching you out to redeem you from where you are at in life. He wants you to be fully restored from this valley. But if you are in that valley-time right now, you must speak the truth of God to the things that are holding you back. You have to face the darkness with the Truth of God. Speak the promises to the things that make you doubt.
Don't doubt. God is faithful. Just believe.

Tawney Rae <3

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